Section 1.6 - Graphical Transformations
Essential Question(s):
Explain the transformations functions can undergo and their basic rules.
Follow these four steps to complete this "flip" lesson.
STEP 1: Title your spiral with the heading above and copy the essential question(s).
STEP 2: Copy and define the following groups of vocabulary using your textbook glossary. This can be any tables, properties, theorems, terms, phrases or postulates listed. The vocabulary is grouped with specific examples.
STEP 2: Copy and define the following groups of vocabulary using your textbook glossary. This can be any tables, properties, theorems, terms, phrases or postulates listed. The vocabulary is grouped with specific examples.
Group 1 Vocab
- What is a rigid transformation? (pg 138)
- What is a non-rigid transformation? (pg 138)
- What are horizontal and vertical translations? (pg 139)
- What are reflections across axes? (pg 141)
Group 2 Vocab
- What are absolute value composition graphs? (pg 142)
- What are horizontal and vertical stretches and shrinks? (pg 145)
STEP 3: Read the following page and take any extra notes as needed. Copy the following example(s) from the textbook AFTER their designated Vocabulary Group.
Group 1 Example(s)
- Review example 1 & example 2 and take notes as needed. (pg 139-140)
- How do you find the equation for a reflection? (Ex 3 pg 141)
Group 2 Example(s)
- How do you find the equation for stretches and shrinks? (Ex 5 pg 145)
- Do you have to combine transformations in a specific order? (Ex 6 pg 146)
- Read pages 138-146 and then move onto step 4