Chapter 15 - Real Number Systems"This chapter begins by reviewing the real number system and then move to introducing the imaginary and ultimately the complex number system. Using the powers of exponent rules, students discover the necessity of the number i. This discovery leads to students exploring whether quadratic functions have one, two, or no real roots" Carnegie Textbook |
Lesson 15.1 - The Numbers of the Real Number System
"This lesson reviews the real number system." - Carnegie Textbook Lesson 15.2 - Real Number Properties
"This lesson introduces the concept of closure under and operation." - Carnegie Textbook Lesson 15.3 - Imaginary and Complex Numbers
"This lesson introduces students to imaginary numbers." - Carnegie Textbook |
Lesson 15.4 - Complex Number Systems
"This lesson provides opportunities for students to understand how to operate with the imaginary number i." - Carnegie Textbook Lesson 15.5 - Solving Quadratics with Complex Solutions
"This lesson connects imaginary numbers to the concept of imaginary roots and imaginary zeros. " - Carnegie Textbook |